Tuesday 17 January 2017

Selling A House: 6 Things No Real Estate Agent Can Help You Out With

No home buyer likes a house that smells like a shanty. No matter which part of the neighborhood the property belongs to, there is always a high expectation from the listed Camden Maine Real Estate unit. 

But, there are 6 things that even top real estate agents can help you out with. Read on.

1. Creepy corridors

If your house looks like a recreation of the “Haunted” or “Scream” series, it may not cut the mark with top real estate agents. Poorly lit houses sell at 30% lower rates than the regular market rates. However, things can be improved if you manage to turn the creepiness out of the space.

2. Bathroom that stinks like sewer

Bathrooms require regular de-clogging and cleaning. If you can’t make out the color of the floor and the walls, it is obvious that the house is not ready to go under the hammer as yet. Flooded bathroom, algae growing in the corners and flaking walls reflect the condition of the house. Not good! 

3. Kitchen with oil and grease lined on the countertop

Kitchen countertop witnesses the most gruesome activities in the house. It is subjected to hot water spills, heavy droppings and knife scratches. While it is obvious that the kitchen is not a pretty sight to manage at the end of the day, but that’s exactly what top Bar Harbor ME Real estate agents want the home sellers to do.

4. Leaking sinks and faucets

Plumbing is a major issue that most home sellers find hard to tackle during their stay. Imagine the trouble the buyer has to face. That’s why best Camden ME real estate agents prefer to make a checklist of the plumbing issues riddling the house before listing the house on their website and portfolio. 

5. Old and smelly HVAC system 

To start with, Maine is one of the coldest states in the US. Buyers looking for new home in the region expect the house to feature high-quality HVAC installation with scope for maintenance and repair. However, there can’t be any major change to the wiring layouts, ductwork and outlet systems. This makes the real estate agents stay away from sellers with poor HVAC installations that smell bad.

6. Broken roof and garage 

Real estate agents stay away from the houses that have a broken roof. Depending on the age of the house, the roof may be fixed but it is a costly business. If the house seller intends to sell the house with a broken roof immediately, the margin of profit from the sale is highly very low. 

Top Camden ME real estate agencies help the sellers find the best buyers in the region looking for instant deals. However, the role of the real estate agencies is not limited to just finding you the buyers but goes way forward. One of the most important roles that agents play in Maine is turning your average property into a trendy saleable unit in a matter of weeks, if not days.

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